Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Aye Macarena!

Aye Macarena! I never understood a single word they said, but I loved it! I was also proud that I could do the macarena dance so well, until this happened: on one of my birthday parties (with non of my friends but a lot of aunties and short eats) ages ago I was FORCED to do the macarena dance in front of everyone. Being the shy girl I was (and still sort of am) naturally, I refused. That's when I learnt an important life lesson: never say no to your Sri Lankan parent; especially not in front of the visitors!

I was shown the crazy eyes and threatened in a voice so low that I had to lip read what my mom was saying. I was told if I didn't do the macarena RIGHT NOW in front of everyone, I won't get to cut my birthday cake! With teary eyes, I walk very slowly near a group of aunties who smiled from ear to ear "ah, shes going to macarena now!" And I did it. I did the macarena dance throughout the entire song, all by myself, in the middle(ish, it was actually close to a corner) of a room full of aunties. I also got to blow the candles and cut my birthday cake, so peace was restored and all went well.

Now about 15 years later, the only dance I can do is still the macarena! Luckily it works for every song. It really does. Try it! You just have to vary the tempo depending on the song. 

Although at the time my mom forcing me to do the macarena in front of all those aunties may have seemed like slight torture (I still love her though), it really wasn't! All this means is that I have been trained well. So now when a Sri Lankan family comes to me with a marriage proposal, and asks me if I know how to cook, walk, dance, etc I can make them awesome scrambled eggs, walk to the center of the room, and do the macarena! Surely they will be impressed (wishful thinking)! Sigh!

Excuse the terrible outfits, but enjoy the song! Aye Macarena!

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